
Clonefluence’s Justin Grome on Managing a Successful Business at a Young Age

Justin Grome’s entrepreneurship journey started when he was just 11 years old. For him it was the passion for photography that gave him immense success on various social media channels. He also recognized the powers that come with having ‘followers’ and prepared shout outs for budding artists in exchange of small ‘fees.’

One success led to another and ultimately, the 17-year-old launched his own social media company by the name of ‘Clonefluence’ to promote underground artists. His expertise in technology, marketing and analytics led the company to gain quick success – and in less than three years managed to rope in artists like Kendrick Lamar, Uncle Murda, Ash Riser, and Atari Jones, just to name a few.

Here, he shares some tips for young and aspiring individuals on how they can achieve success – with the right attitude.

Think technology

Justin notes that the power of social media and technology should not be overestimated – especially in this digital era. When he started out, the use of the internet was not as vast as it is today and networks like Instagram and Twitter were just starting out.

But now they exist with their full glory and provide the young people with an opportunity to start something of their own, regardless of their age and qualification.

Be persistent

“You can’t take no for an answer in the business industry, if you want something then you go get it”, advises Justin Grome.

And this is just exactly what Justin and his team did to build an impressive list of testimonials for Clonefluence.

Acquiring sponsors and artists on board was challenging, especially since they were new in the market. However, the company, under the leadership of Justin remained persistent in their efforts and repeatedly emailed artists until they responded. With a drive for consistency, they believe that you just keep trying until your goals work out as per your desire.

Keep learning

Justin realized his talent in photography when he received a camera for Christmas at the age of 11. He started experimenting immediately and uploaded his photographs on various online networks. His pictures were an instant hit with the audience and made him realize the power of social media.

Alongside, he explored other skills such as marketing, tracking analytics, graphic designing, and software development. The combination of his learning led him to launch Clonefluence in 2017.

And he continues to be vigilant of new techniques and adapts them in his work to perform better and make clients happy.

Be wary of negativity

According to Justin, not everyone will be happy for your success. During his journey, he encountered many negative people who did not appreciate his efforts and enthusiasm to excel. However, his family supported him in every endeavor and were the driving force behind his achievements!

It’s not always about money

The importance of money can never be ignored. However, Justin’s brainchild Clonefluence was not built around monetary goals. Instead his aim was to help budding artists create a name for themselves in the most effective way possible.

Even after reaching the unprecedented heights of success, the prime focus of Clonefluence remains on startups and ways to utilize the team’s talent to bring them the achievement they require.

Age is just a number

As per our society norms, the age to start a career is after 23. However, cultural notions are proven wrong with the success stories of Mark Zuckerberg launching Facebook at the age of 19, Justin Bieber signing his first record when he was 14 years old, and 12-year-old Maddie Rai making a fortune from kid’s favorite slime glue.

Justin Grome is another example of how you can achieve your goals with the right mindset. To the young and aspiring individuals, he says that professionalism, dedication, and a strong support system can take them far.