
Yomi Denzel defies all the odds to become a successful entrepreneur

Online entrepreneur and coach, Yomi Denzel, outgrows his challenging childhood to become a recognized name in the e-commerce industry

Yomi DenzelYomi Denzel’s case might not necessarily fit the “grass to grace” analogy. However, the 23-year-old e-commerce guru has gone against all odds, including a career-threatening injury, to become a successful businessman at a relatively tender age. The Swiss entrepreneur started from a humble background, with his father emigrating from Nigeria to Switzerland. Drawing his inspiration from Ron, his father, who Yomi saw as the true definition of a self-made man, the young Swiss always wanted to be an entrepreneur.

The day my father nightclub closed, I made a promise to myself: do everything I can to achieve the impossible”, Yomi said. “My father showed me what is possible, it was now my turn to show him what I’m capable of,” he continued.

Yomi saw his father working long dedicated hours and quickly became famous in Switzerland’s relatively young industry for hosting the first R&B nights in the country. However, the family soon started to struggle after the closure of the nightclub Ron was managing. Yomi’s dream of playing football as a professional was caught short due to a major injury. All these experiences put together would ordinarily have broken some individuals. However, Yomi used the experiences as a springboard to push him to his success.

While the young Yomi has always had the entrepreneurial spirit, his determination to succeed led him to studying hard in school as the only way to achieve greatness. Yomi went to a high school in Switzerland, where he met his current business partner, Cédric Jacot. He subsequently started a YouTube channel in pursuit of his entrepreneurial dream, teaching people how to edit gaming videos. Yomi also spent a year in the Swiss military Special Forces, where he met his second partner, Theodore Schnyder, and learnt the skills of discipline, persistence and hard work.

All these rollercoaster experiences as well as the ones gathered while studying Management and Economics at HEC Lausanne, a Swiss leading business school, put together seem to have groomed Yomi into who he is today.

As an owner of several e-commerce stores and the founder of a consulting business, Yomi Denzel has done more than enough for himself, smiling to the bank in millions of dollars and creating more successful entrepreneurs by the day.