Robert Ritter had been an achiever since his college days. Life was his passion, and when he was at Williams College for graduation in Psychology, he explored his love for music to the fullest. He played lead cornet in the first college jazz band to appear in Carnegie Hall.
The band, called Spring Street Stompers, also appeared on the Arthur Godfrey Talent Scout show on CBS, securing the number one position. The band also received an invitation to play for Princess Grace’s wedding in Monaco. When Robert Ritter completed college, he landed in the Newark General Agency of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance. In just one and a half years, he started leading the agency in production.
After another two years in the same company, Robert Ritter was promoted as General Agent in Oakland, CA, and became the youngest American ever to achieve that feat. Fast-forwarding to the next four years, Robert Ritter was appointed General Agent in a renowned New York City Agency. Because of his extraordinary performance there, he twice won the company’s National Manpower Award for developing sales leaders.
It was this fruitful journey, where he was constantly exposed to the operations of the insurance companies and closely observed the functioning of the industry, that he was able to identify an essential missing ingredient.
Robert Ritter noticed that the insurance business lags far behind in utilizing information technology and is sluggish in market analysis, product presentation, and related operations. He also saw that the life insurance companies’ poor point-of-sale financial data made insurance products and financial concepts nearly unfathomable to potential clients.
As a result, he created InsMark to remedy the flaws.
InsMark was an instant success. It surfaced as a profitable business within the first month and showed positive results. It became a reliable source for financial producers to create simplified sales and marketing reports and produce easy-to-understand product presentations. The extensive experience of Robert Ritter in the industry bore great results.
InsMark is a financial services software company dedicated to producing digital tools for a broad range of financial producers to present their products while maximizing profits quickly. With the help of the software produced by InsMark, professionals from the finance and insurance industry were finally able to identify, understand, and capitalize on planning opportunities prompted by the constantly evolving market conditions or tax laws.
Producers, especially from the insurance world, can now capitalize on opportunities using cutting-edge software like the InsMark Illustration System, Wealthy and Wise®, Premium Financing, and several others.
Today, over 30,000 producers use InsMark, and over 100 major life insurance companies have sponsored its products.