Tyler Espitia is a veteran entrepreneur who has proven to be one of the greatest minds to grace the modern entrepreneurship industry.
Over the years, Tyler has accumulated knowledge that has helped him move through the circuit of entrepreneurship with ease. In this article, he shares some of that knowledge. Have a look, you will surely find this insightful.
Drawing Inspiration
Growing up, Tyler looked up to entrepreneurs like Michael Jordan, Mark Cuban, and Daymond John and saw their achievements as a source of inspiration.
Today, Tyler is in the same position as the people he looked up to when he was younger. Every day, a lot of individuals reach out to him, thanking him for how he transformed their lives through his content and giving them the inspiration to make big changes, start businesses, become successful, and become the best version of themselves.
“It makes me feel good knowing I’m impacting so many people from around the world to level up in life, it fuels me to keep on elevating and giving the people who are just getting started inspiration to become successful.”- Tyler shares.
Avoiding Stress And Burnout
Stress is something we all face and it can be caused by a variety of reasons. At the beginning of his entrepreneurship career, Tyler put so much effort into trading. This made him experience burnout and stress regularly.
Over time, he sought out ways to help keep his stress levels down. Some of the things that have helped him so far are; light physical activities, meditation, aromatherapy, and delegating his task to his assistants.
Overcoming Challenges
When he first started, Tyler encountered a lot of obstacles. One of them is social rejection. Back then, people didn’t understand why a kid who had so much ahead of him would leave school to start a business. They thought he was crazy due to the fact that his ideas were not aligned with the usual system.
“Most times I almost felt like just keeping to myself because everyone was too normal and traditional with how they decided to live their life that when I spoke about my ventures or that I was an entrepreneur they’d act like I’m an outcast.” – Tyler shares.
Over time, Tyler learned that the only person that he cared about what he really wanted in life was himself. No one else should determine how your life should go and what you should make out of it. Once Tyler adopted this mindset, he went non-stop and became the man he is today.
Right now, Tyler is currently invested in some small businesses that will have a huge impact on the world!