Stephon Hendricks is a best-selling author and musician whose brand is centered on traveling and the healing of his past traumas. Hendricks shared in a recent interview, that with his story, he feels he can help in guiding other individuals who are lost, and without the hope of succeeding in life.
In this article, Hendricks shares priceless advice for individuals who are seeking wisdom for personal growth and success.
Personal Growth
Hendricks’ advice on the topic of personal growth is to commit to improving a certain aspect of your life. The decision has to come from you and no one else. This is why it is called personal growth.
Once you commit to this, find out what works best for you. For some, it might be by picking up self-help books. Self-help books are a great way to learn and they are easy to find. You can get an unlimited supply of books on any topic just by heading on to google and searching for your topic of interest.
Ensure to take notes on the important points you find while reading and try to implement them into your own life. Apart from reading, Hendricks shares how speaking positive affirmations into your life every day can make all the difference.
“There’s a lot of power in positive self-dialogue so continue to encourage yourself every day and manifest your reality! It might be hard in the beginning because you’re accustomed to being a certain way but if you want to grow, you need to get uncomfortable.” – Stephon Hendricks.
If you’re looking for a good book to read, you can grab Hendricks’ book, RAGE. RAGE has helped dozens of individuals around the world successfully deal with PTSD. There are helpful tips and a wide range of knowledge within that can help every and anyone.
Principles For Success
To achieve success, Hendricks explains that you need to adopt the habit of always being grateful. Other habits should imbibe into your daily life include mindfulness, good service to others, treating people well if possible, leaving them better than how you find them, showing more love to people, and most importantly yourself.
Also important is commitment, goal setting and dreaming bigger than you’ve ever imagined. Life springs forth surprises and comes with twists and turns but staying committed to your success is key to arriving at your final destination.
Advice from Hendricks for anyone striving to achieve success;
“Your mind and heart. He thinks it is important to practice daily gratitude. It is also important to keep positive thoughts only and say good things about yourself.
Since you spend all of your time with yourself, say good things to yourself!! Never put yourself down be it a regards your physical features or questions about your adequacy. Know your worth and then add tax! You are deserving of it all so focusing on all of that and believing it is number one for him.”