
Short Life Lessons from Influencer Dr. Sam Qurashi

After witnessing the recent terrible events of the past year, it is clear how much positivity is required in the world. New leaders have emerged to contribute through their innovative solutions to boost a positive change within the society. 

Dr. Sam Qurashi is one such thought leader, making tremendous efforts through his thought-provoking content as a influencer on Instagram and Youtube. He has stepped up to serve humanity, emerging as the positive change we need in this world today. 

Dr. Sam has an unorthodox way of perceiving the human mind. His content aims to provoke thoughts, challenge beliefs, and raise awareness. It is to help people reconnect with their roots and rediscover themselves. Here is a list of some of his short life lessons that are valuable for a smooth and successful journey. 

Feeling like a victim is okay, staying as one is problematic

Dr. Sam believes that being a victim of unfortunate circumstances, or people is only natural. There is no shame in being a victim of neglect or abuse. It is okay to be one or feel like one. However, staying a victim is the problem. Not being able to move beyond it is what keeps you from moving ahead. Heroes are only made when victims decide to own what happened and learn from it. They find ways to use it, take responsibility for their current reality, create a new destination, and move towards it.

Embracing mediocrity is the key to freedom 

Constant efforts to attain perfection are not just time-consuming but also physically and mentally exhausting. It depletes your energy resources and makes you feel empty. Dr. Sam shares from his personal experience that embracing mediocrity is the key to freedom from perfection. Giving your best shot sometimes means giving your best possible shot, which might not be perfect. It serves the purpose, without causing any exhaustion or frustration. Countering your need to attain perfection at all times can help you achieve goals consistently while maintaining joy in the process. 

Mistakes are the best teachers

Life is full of mistakes or failures that are highly undervalued, according to Dr. Sam. To many of us, these mistakes can lead to feeling shame and frustration, but he believes that it is these demonstrations of incompetence that can teach us the best lessons. Learning from mistakes is the only way to know how to move forward in life. So why should they be feared or condemned? Instead, mistakes should be celebrated and valued for being the best teachers in your life.

You can further access the wisdom shared by Dr. Sam Qurashi by following him on Instagram; samqurashi