
Marketing Graduate at Crossroads – Shohista Turan on the Discovery of Her Passion for Design, Detail, and Distinctive Jewels

Often it takes time for a person to realize where their true passion lies. They experience various things before developing an idea of what proves to be challenging yet pleasurable, something that they want to pursue regardless of what value it would have on its own. This undying passion ultimately adds value to the idea and turns it into something exceptional. Shohista Turan, a distinctive jewellery specialist, has been on a similar journey of self-exploration.

Shohista graduated with a Master’s degree in Marketing. Along with the university, she worked and has extensive experience working in retail, where she started as a salesperson and then moved forward to jewellery sales at Goldsmith jewellery field.

In her second year of university, at the young age of 21, Shohista got her first earrings made; however, she was yet to realize how this act would open unexpected doors for her, leading to her true passion. She says, “My passion for jewellery grew potentially, and I turned my passion into my business.” Her degree in marketing, combined with her love for jewellery, helped her grow, self-promote, and especially do something that she really loved!

Shohista recalls that she always felt unfulfilled and unsatisfied, like something was missing. Only after following her heart’s calling did she finally feel the last piece of the puzzle fit and the picture at last complete. She says, “following my passion has shown me the direction and made me become who I am today.”

Her online jewellery shop business has since grown immensely, Jewellery Pursuer. She has an Instagram presence with more than 162k followers, where she posts about the latest trends, updates, and designer updates. Only through her unparalleled love for jewellery was she able to garner such success; she says, “Jewellery was always my number one love.”

As a young woman who immigrated from Central Asia to the United Kingdom, Shohista magnificently made the foreign land into her home, where she now lives happily married with a child and a business that has grown magnitudes, and she is intensely passionate about.