
Mark Neilson- Why You Must Make it or Make it

Mark Neilson’s success story starts from a humble beginning. He was brought up in Cordova, where they were living in a trailer. His father depended on commercial fishing while his mom took various odd jobs to make ends meet. His parents did all they could to ensure that their families afforded the necessities. They never had much as they struggled to make ends meet. However, his parents did not shy away from teaching their son about the importance of hard work. They also implanted in him the spirit of work ethics at a young age and why he should embrace honesty and integrity in everything that he does. This is what made Mark Neilson the person he is today. According to him, watching others make it in life is what makes him thrive. The fact that he was brought up in a poor background is what made him develop a passion for seeing people like him who came from a humble background grow into incredible people and win.

At the age of 9, they shifted to Cedar City in Utah. When he was 19 years, he moved to Denmark, where he served a mission for his church for about three years. He would later migrate to Washington and California to look for job opportunities. Currently, he resides in San Jose, CA.

Mark Neilson Achievements

Throughout his career, Mark Neilson has received so many accolades and held different senior positions in various organizations. He received several awards, such as the 2013 producer of the year and 2018 AO leader of the year. He was also ranked the top five weekly record holder among different producers. Mark Neilson is also a member of prestigious clubs such as a million-dollar club, founders club as well as president club for four times. He was also recognized for being the first man to net 150,000 dollars in just one month working as a producer. These are but some of his achievements. 

Why He chose Entrepreneurship

His entrepreneurial spirit started from when he was young. Entrepreneurship runs in his blood. His family used to run small businesses to supplement what they were getting from doing menial jobs. The last job that he took was in the electrical field. However, he was not satisfied with this as he knew that a promotion would only come after someone retires or dies. He desired to work in a place where he would be rewarded accordingly. Entrepreneurship was the only way he could achieve all this. 

How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

According to Mark Neilson, success means that your way of doing things is working, not just for you but also for others. He believed that success comes when everyone is winning. Success comes when you achieve your set goals. When asked what makes him different, Mark mentions his ability and commitment to work at any place and at any time. This means always being there for your business at any day or time. Mark Neilson is also a great risk-taker. At one point, he attributes his success to his ability to try things even when they scare him to death. He is driven by the passion and commitment to help people achieve their desires in life. Below are Mark Nelson’s advice to upcoming entrepreneurs.

Sacrifice and Patience Pay–  Entrepreneurship is not a walk in the park. Victory comes with a lot of sacrifices, as you must be ready to work extra hard and sacrifice your time. However, the reward is worth your sacrifice.

Find the right Mentor-  According to Mark, getting a mentor who can show you how things are done is very crucial. In this case, following those who have made it in your area of interest is the key to success. 

Always remember why you started-  According to Mark, the entrepreneurial journey will not always be smooth. At times things will not go your way, and you will feel like you want to give up. When this time comes, remind yourself why you started in the first case, and continue fighting.

Hard work is Paramount-  Mark Neilson appreciates the importance of hard work. However, the consistency of hard work is what is going to make you achieve your dreams.

Deciding on what you want to do is very crucial. Mark Neilson advises all aspiring entrepreneurs to be very careful when choosing their business path. Below are some of the queries you should ask yourself. Do I believe in my business idea even when others are castigating it? Am I ready to give it the time it deserves to ensure that it succeeds? Lastly, Mark Neilson highlights that self-motivated people can invest in any business as long as they work extra hard, remain consistent, and fully believe in what they are doing.