It can be pretty overwhelming and stressful when trying to choose a name for your business. This is why we are here to help you out so that you do not have to worry about anything. You will be spared a lot of extra work and headaches if you have already done your research beforehand and have checked to see if your business name has already been taken or not.
It is highly essential to find a name that is unique and will stand out among the competition. This is because each year there are over 3,000 cases of trademark infringement lawsuits that costs United States companies more than $250 Billion dollars.
In this article, you will learn how to find out if a business name is taken or not, and how to get it registered. So, continue reading to find out.
How To Find Out If A Business Name Is Taken?
How do I check to see if a business name is available? Each state has a secretary of state or any other state organization that is answerable for business element filings. In many states, the site of the state business documenting office incorporates an online entity name check apparatus. You can utilize the online device to look through business names and see if another business is currently utilizing the name you have picked. In the event that you discover a business with a comparable name, it is a smart thought to audit your state’s particular business naming necessities to see whether the similarity will keep you from utilizing the name you need.
1: Check Your Favorite Search Engine
The fastest and most straightforward approach to check potential name accessibility is to just go to your favourite search engine (like Google) and do an online business name search. You can check this name with a .com, or .org at the end to check whether any business substance comes up or if there is a comparative name out there that could be a possible rival for your brand.
2: Check To See If The Name Has A Trademark
You will likewise need to do a brand name search to check whether anybody in the country is enrolled for that same name. To do this, basically go down to your county clerk’s office and check whether the name is enrolled or on a rundown of invented names for organizations (in a couple of states, there is a statewide imaginary business names information base that your region assistant can discover and tell you about).
You ought to likewise check the U.S. patent and brand name office just in case there are any brand name encroachment rights being disregarded. Getting pinged for intellectual property theft for your organization name is a certain way to get closed down.
3: How To Check LLC Registry
An LLC is a mix of organizations and associations that are enlisted and registered on a state level. Numerous LLCs do not have trademarks so it is essential to do an online check for this too. To do as such, visit your state’s secretary of state’s website, and try looking for the name. For instance, Florida’s Division of organizations can undoubtedly be checked by name, with other inquiry alternatives if necessary.
4: Registering Your Business Name
It is always an excellent idea to patent and trademark your business so no one can steal your unique ideas from you. Make use of the USPTO’s free trademark database and in order to get yours registered all you have to do is go to and click ‘Search’. Then follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
Why Should You Check Business Name Availability?
To frame a business element, for example, a company, limited liability company, or a non-profit company, you should record development archives with your state. Each state’s laws require new business names to be distinct from the names of existing business elements in that state.
That implies you can’t pick a name that is similar to another business’s name, or if the only difference between the two names is an “s” on the end or an alternate business element identifier. For instance, you likely can’t frame a business called “Festive Party Supplies, Inc.” if a “Festive Party Supply, LLC” already exists in your state.
Therefore, it is important to check available business names prior to filing your paperwork. This will help you avoid having your entity formation request denied due to naming problems.
Likewise, a more exhaustive business name search can distinguish extra organizations that might be utilizing the name you have picked and that may have trademark rights in the name. These extra quests assist you with limiting the opportunity that another entrepreneur will blame you for brand name encroachment and request that you quit utilizing the name after you have just invested energy and cash advertising it.
What To Do If Your Brand Name Is Taken?
This can be truly disappointing. You have the ideal name that embodies your product or service, however another person is currently using it. The first thing you can do is try not to push. There are various different things you can do.
Look at Brand Bucket where you can get a look at brandable areas that are available for purchase.
You can likewise check out some other different sites like, or Namecheap to check whether there is an alternative of your name that is accessible. They can concoct some truly extraordinary domain idea names and you will immediately know whether they can be utilized as your organization’s domain name.
Try to stay with a .com as it looks more professional and the vast majority accept that your site will be your name followed by the .com.
What Makes A Good Brand Name?
Choosing a brand name can really set you up for success. Here are a few things to remember when choosing a name for your company.
- Simple: The more simpler the brand name, the better it is! As an example, take a look at the brand name ‘Apple’; it is simple, easy to recognize, and easy to remember.
- Short: If a brand name is long, it will be more difficult to remember it. A long domain name could prove to be a hindrance for people who want to come to your website.
- Memorable: The public should have something that they will not easily forget. You need to keep in mind that marketing is not an easy feat which is why you need to make a quick impression on people before they decide to move on to the next memorable thing.
- Pronounceable: It can be pretty confusing for clients if your brand name is an unknown word or is difficult to pronounce.
- Clever: Try using your clever side and come up with witty domains that can impress people. It will make you more easy to remember and people would also want to know more about you!
- Easy spelling: Make sure that your brand name is easy to spell. People might be able to remember it but they would never be able to reach your website if they cannot spell it.
- Relevant: Make sure that the name is related to the services you will provide. Organizations with their core service or services in their business name easily rank better on search engines like Google.
There are various online business name generators that can help you come up with the perfect name for your organization.
How To Register A Business Name For Free?
Most organizations do not have to enlist with the national government to turn into a legitimate business entity, other than just recording to get an administrative tax ID. Independent ventures some of the time register with the central government for brand name security or tax exempt status.
On the off chance that you need to reserve your business, image or item name, record with the United States Patent and Trademark office whenever you have framed your business.
In the event that you need tax exempt status for a charitable organization, register your business as a tax exempt entity with the IRS.
Registering a business name for free is not generally possible. However, you can check your state’s laws for it. As a rule, the all out expense to enlist your business will be under $300, however charges fluctuate contingent upon your state and business structure. The information you will typically require is:
- Business name
- Business location
- Ownership, management structure, or directors
- Registered agent information
- Number and value of shares (if you’re a corporation)
The documents you need, and what goes in them, will keep on changing, depending upon the state where you live and your business structure.
How To Check If A Business Name Is Taken In California?
- Get in touch with the California Secretary of State’s website.
- Choose the kind of entity you are looking for (whether it is a corporation or LP/LLC), type in the name you want to search for and click “Search”.
- If you want to register a name in California for a corporation or LLC, make sure that the name you choose should:
– Not be identical or too similar to a name that already exists in the business entity database and
– Not be misleading to the public
As an example, let us look at “Sew What” as a corporation.
- With a company search for “Sew What” we get various different results, some of them are identical while others are not. If the name you are looking for comes up with a record, make sure that you look at the “Status” column. In the given example of ‘Sew What’, there are many entities that have been suspended or dissolved. Based on the time period of their inactivity, you might still have the opportunity to get the name registered.
- Clicking on one of the records in the “Entity Name” column, some extra information regarding the business will appear.
- Before choosing a name, you would want to make sure that yours is not very same to the other names in the database.
- Moreover, keep in mind that registering a business name does not mean that someone else may have ownership in another state. For that it is important that you have done your homework regarding trademarks before choosing a business name.
- Another search result that can appear is when there are “No matching entries found”. This means there is no similar name in the database.
There are no charges to search the database and you can look for information on the following:
- Registration Date: This is the date of filing with the Secretary of State
- Entity type: An entity type is whether your business is a Corporation, a Limited Liability Company or a non-profit organization.
- Status: Various statuses such as, “FTB Suspended” “SOS/FTB Suspended” or “Dissolved” mean that the business is not active in the state. On the other hand, “Active” means that the business is on a good standing and all documents and filing expenses are up to date.
- Agent for Service of Process: This is also typically known as the Registered Agent. This individual is the singular point of contact for the entity, given that the state needs to contact the business or if there is legal action against the business. This person is usually one of the owners of the business and generally, their home address is used, which makes it public information. Many people have shown their concern over this and use a Registered Agent service like Northwest Registered Agent or IncFile so that their personal home address is not listed.
- Entity Address: This is the address of the principal address
- Statement of Information: The last section incorporates the filings for the Statement of Information which is the annual update to the Articles of Incorporation / Articles of Organization.
Doing some research prior to choosing a brand name will spare you a potential future headache. It is definitely worth the time and consideration. Be specific with what you pick as a name since it can have a positive or even a negative effect on clients. When picked, ensure that you secure your brand name with licenses and register your business with a brand name.