
Here Is Why Mandana Navi Believes You Must Use Ceramides If You Are over 30

Good skin care is essential for all ages. There is no denying the fact, but it is also important to realize that as we age, so does our skin. As the largest organ of your body, with the highest level of exposure to the environmental stressors, your skin requires extra care and attention. This is why Mandana Navi, the founder of Essentique, offers sound advice for those seeking ways to bolster skin health and support the healthy skin barrier – the key to retaining youthful skin!

Since childhood, Mandana was inspired by holistic approaches to self-care, focusing on natural ingredients. It motivated her to look into nature and find things that could help everyone around the globe fall in love with themselves. Essentique was created with the passion to introduce a natural skin and hair care line to those interested in maintaining their youthfulness while enjoying the process of self-care. The products are all handmade in her Palo Alto artisanal lab in small batches to ensure freshness and effectiveness.

With her preventative approach, Mandana wants everyone to include ceramides in their skincare routine. When it comes to skin rejuvenation, ceramides can do wonders. These naturally occurring components in your skin help regulate the skin barrier and retain moisture; improving hydration and protecting the skin from harmful external factors. Ceramides make up 30% – 40% of the skin barrier lipid composition. Having such a significant amount of it, it is natural that you must add ceramides to your skincare to maintain good-looking and functioning skin.

We start losing elasticity, and our skin starts losing its natural ceramides after our 30s, so it is vital for people above the age of 30 to use ceramides in their skincare regimen to keep the skin barrier intact  and healthy.

Mandana includes ceramides in her formulations because it is also an essential part of hair morphology. Ceramides can help with repairing damaged hair and bringing back vitality and shine to hair.

Essentique offers products that serve various skin and hair care needs, many of which cater to the skin’s outer layer and the overall health of the skin. You can visit the website or the boutique located at 2417 Park Blvd, Palo Alto, CA, to find out what products work best for you, your skin, and your hair.

To learn more about ceramides, Mandana, and Essentique, Click Here.