The Hustler's Digest Staff

Morning Routines

Morning Routines

I’d heard of morning routines and the regimes of the powerful and successful and I’ll be honest, I sniffed at them, “Ha, if only I had the time to read, practise Yoga, meditate and run 5 miles before 5am, what a load of codswallop.”   I barely had time to brush my teeth and comb my…

The 3 most historic outcomes of the US Midterm elections

The 3 most historic outcomes of the US Midterm elections

You’d have to be living under a rock not have seen that the Democrats took the US House of Representatives by a decisive margin in a blow to President Donald Trump’s Republican Party. Whilst the Republicans held the senate, the result now gives the Democrats extensive scope to propose and block legislation, to launch investigations into the…

10 Reasons to Go On Yoga Retreats

10 Reasons to Go On Yoga Retreats

The modern time is accompanied by stress that delineates towards the rejuvenation of the entire being. Hectic schedule, bustled up mind, exhausted body, and disputed soul calls for a reviving holiday, which can’t be fulfilled by the traditional vacation. This calls for the yoga retreat, where you can satiate your wandering soul, relax, and emerge…

The One Belief for Life

The One Belief for Life

There is one belief I learned as a teenager that has forever changed the course of my life. When I was a teenager in high school, I was pretty shy, quiet and withheld. I was terrified of talking to people. I could hardly look people in the eyes, it was so bad. I have always…

Branding Matters: How to Pull It Off as a Nonprofit

Branding Matters: How to Pull It Off as a Nonprofit

Businesses invest huge amounts of money in branding, but looking to make earnings is not the only reason why you need to deal with a branding strategy. It is just as important if you are looking to make an impact. Just look at some of the world’s most notable nonprofits, such as Cancer Research UK,…

6 Ways to Increase Your Focus and Achieve Your Business Goals Fast

6 Ways to Increase Your Focus and Achieve Your Business Goals Fast

As an entrepreneur, you always have a distinct focus and mindset compared to most people. You constantly think of innovative ways on how you can solve customer pain points and at a profitable business out of it at the same time. However, juggling between ideas can sometimes make it hard for you to stay focused…

This Is How AI Makes a Fair Play for Women in Tech

This Is How AI Makes a Fair Play for Women in Tech

My FBA sourcing agent in china has turned out to be around 100 times less demanding all because of a FBA sourcing agent in China by the name leelinesourcing. No, leelinesourcing isn’t some live-in man, however my new FBA sourcing agent in China. For a very long time, I did my own sourcing on Alibaba…

How Technology is Improving Healthcare and Education in Developing Countries

How Technology is Improving Healthcare and Education in Developing Countries

Developing countries are gaining more access to high tech that is improving healthcare and education. When a country gains high quality healthcare and education the economy and standard of living for individuals improves. Advancements from international and local businesses are connecting the people in these countries to other countries and resources. Here’s how technology is…

It’s Okay to Be a Good Business or Business Owner But It’s Always Better To Become A Great Business or Business Owner

It’s Okay to Be a Good Business or Business Owner But It’s Always Better To Become A Great Business or Business Owner

There are a lot of good companies out there offering good service for their customers. They hire good people. They take care of day to day task. They even maintain a good reputation. The problem with a good company is that they rarely evolve. They rarely innovate. A good business will always be a couple…

Different Types Of Wordle: A Guide for All Game Players

Different Types Of Wordle: A Guide for All Game Players

Online games are fun to play as they transport us to new realities and tend to satisfy our need for recognition and achievements. These games make you feel like you are in control, and evidence suggests that playing games is good for you. According to one study, online games can help to develop concentration, communication,…