The Hustler's Digest Staff

Life Lessons We Can Only Learn If We Travel

Life Lessons We Can Only Learn If We Travel

Staying at one place your entire life is very comfortable and easy, but it also robs you of a whole new world of experiences, people and things you can see. There’s nothing bad in having good daily structure, but once your cozy routines become “the daily grind”, it’s time to pack your suitcase and hit…

How to Overcome Business Distress

How to Overcome Business Distress

My FBA sourcing agent in china has turned out to be around 100 times less demanding all because of a FBA sourcing agent in China by the name leelinesourcing. No, leelinesourcing isn’t some live-in man, however my new FBA sourcing agent in China. For a very long time, I did my own sourcing on Alibaba…

How to Change a Micromanaging Mindset

How to Change a Micromanaging Mindset

A colleague of mine resents the term “micromanager.” He often says, “There’s a fine line between being a micromanager and being a quality expert. I want to empower my team, but at the end of the day, I own our results.” With all due respect to my friend, I disagree. To me, micromanaging isn’t about…

Put your negative thoughts on trial

Put your negative thoughts on trial

Next time you’re caught in a negative thought spiral, try taking a step back. Our thoughts and emotions are so intertwined, it’s hard to be objective. But with this thought challengingtechnique, you’re going to become the judge of your own mind. Step 1: What’s the situation? Think of how you’d describe the stressful situation you’re going…

You are to blame for not having a healthy breakfast

You are to blame for not having a healthy breakfast

It`s morning again, a busy time for the parents to prepare their kids to school and rush off to work. But for many of us, we often forget the most important part of every morning. What is that you may ask? Well, it`s the breakfast. Many at times, and I`m guilty at this, there is…

Why The Best Leaders Are The Most Human Leaders

Why The Best Leaders Are The Most Human Leaders

Research indicates that the best leaders who inspire and create positive change in the workplace and world have attributes that are related to being most human. Humans are emotional beings. Leadership at its core is the awareness of our own emotions and the emotions of others and the ability to manage these emotions in a positive,…

4 Basic Principles Small Businesses Can Use To Win Medals In The Highly Competitive Service Industry

4 Basic Principles Small Businesses Can Use To Win Medals In The Highly Competitive Service Industry

As much as every business consulting firm or entrepreneur expert would strongly recommend online methods as one of the paramount ways small and medium size business owners can use to increase sales, it is also necessary to apply basic principles that will ensure that allocations for online marketing is not wasted and returns or conversion…

Kind Reminders on 5 Essential Aspects of Life

Kind Reminders on 5 Essential Aspects of Life

As I age and am trying to get this whole adulting thing right, I realize many important life lessons were left untold growing up. So I created my own philosophy and belief system. This is my foundation, a bit of me. I’m sharing it with all of you today, in case you are in need…

7 Professional Tips Used By Influencers to Increase Reach on Instagram

7 Professional Tips Used By Influencers to Increase Reach on Instagram

A photo-sharing app started in OCTOBER, 2010 has become one of the largest social media platforms with 500 Million daily active users. After Facebook and Google, businesses are moving to Instagram for marketing purposes. To measure the potential for business let’s take a look at these eye opening 2018 Instagram Statistics: 90% of the top brands…

4 Attributes of Successful People

4 Attributes of Successful People

So, how far does a person exactly has to go in his respective field to be titled as a successful person? What is it that these “successful people” do that an ordinary person striving to achieve his goals and target does not? There might not be a universal method to become successful overnight but there…