
Repotting Ninja Ignites our Love for Plant Care one Repotting at a Time

Caring for plants elevates our mood and the Repotting Ninja, Lida Mankovskaya of @SpiritPlants, is here to prove it. There is something about digging your hands into dirt, massaging the roots, and transplanting that green baby into a bigger pot that soothes the mind.  Maybe it’s knowing that your efforts are making your plant happy, or it’s the increased attentiveness promoted by this activity, but there is definitely something about this seemingly simple act of repotting that lifts the spirit. Lida of Spirit Plants has earned the name Repotting Ninja by making the repotting process an art form. And it appears that her passion for this plant care ritual is contagious as it has inspired many others to adopt the hobby for themselves. 

Caring for plants is self-care, it elevates the mood, and is almost meditative. This is the message that comes through time and time again in Lida’s repotting videos on Instagram and TikTok (@spiritplants). Why not try it for yourself! Put on that Spirit Plants playlist on Spotify, pour yourself a little glass of red wine, grab that rootbound plant baby, burn an incense or two, and get to work. By the end of it all, you might just feel happier and more at peace.  And if you have any questions about the specifics, like soil mixtures or ideal pot sizes, just hop over to Lida’s page for a quick refresher.