
How This Tech Whizz & Serial Entrepreneur Kevin Suter Is Helping Businesses and Nonprofits Expand and Thrive

Nonprofits face many challenges. Some of these challenges are fiscal challenges, competitiveness, effectiveness, infrastructure, legitimacy, and growth challenges. On the other hand, businesses face very similar challenges, among other problems such as uncertainty about the future, technology, customer service, financial management, regulations, and compliance. Therefore, many businesses and nonprofits find it challenging to prosper in the current market, owing to the mentioned challenges. However, the good news is that The Suter Group LLC helps businesses and nonprofits thrive from the ground up.

Kevin Suter is the founder and owner of The Suter Group LLC. Besides, he is a keynote presenter, serial entrepreneur, technology developer, and business strategist. He has had the privilege of interacting with the global community through his international travels sharing with over 2 million people worldwide, in businesses, universities, nonprofits, prisons, public schools, and conferences. Kevin has raised over a million dollars for individual nonprofits from creative fundraisers as well as making successful million dollar plans for all types of businesses. 

Why Kevin Suter Is Your #1 Choice

Kevin creates custom technology for small businesses. He is a well-versed businessman who mentors business owners. This man grows small enterprises through a relentless approach to communication and personal interaction mixed with creative social media solutions and technology that make him a unique asset to business leaders and entrepreneurs. He has a great ability to empower and encourage individuals and organizations alike. 

This business strategist has visited 48 states and five countries as a keynote speaker and philanthropist. Among his achievements, he has taken a car detailing business 10x in 90 days. 

Growing Businesses and Nonprofits

Kevin has accomplished many things, including being part of many businesses and nonprofits. However, he wanted something more. The guru wanted to get past a paycheck to paycheck lifestyle. When the fullness of time arrived, Kevin decided to go for what he loved most. It was at this point that he founded The Suter Group, a small business consulting and tech company, and since then he has not looked back. 

The company has taken businesses past 10x financial growth in a record time of 90 days. They have also grown their social media engagement for their clients with over 5000%. This dedicated team has developed multi-million dollar plans with technologies and launched multiple custom platforms for Real estate professionals, churches, ministries, and small businesses of all kinds. Their goal is to empower individuals and businesses to create their way and have the tools they need to take their industry by storm, be the number one authority, and offer credibility. Kevin’s company has already reached six figures and are on their way to becoming a million-dollar company. 

Every Goal Is Achievable

Kevin’s goal and that of his company are to become successful in every sector of their business. His divine connection to God is another reason why he keeps skyrocketing every day in his endeavors. He has founded his company on good relationships, communication, and empowerment. 

Therefore, if you are a business with goals and are wondering how to accomplish them, Kevin’s company will show you how. Right now, the company targets to be a million-dollar within a year. Your business can also achieve this height. 

What Has Propelled Kevin To Success?

Kevin’s success has not been a walk in the park. He has fought many battles, including depression and suicidal tendencies. Since childhood, he had faced self-esteem issues as a result of abuse. Also, he always wanted to break out of living other people’s lives. Through it all, he has emerged victorious. Kevin changed his mindset from materialism to realism, and that is what makes him thrive. 

Kevin has learned to embrace failure. Whether it is in life or business, he has taken failure as a stepping stone to the next level. Failure is right because it shows you where you were supposed to be and did not make it, allowing you to work hard next time. His determination, confidence, humility, hard work, and persistence are what have made him become an influencer’s influencer. It would, therefore, help if you connected to Kevin for a better experience of your business. Kevin Suter grows businesses, Period.