As you walk into your boss’s office, mustering the bravery to ask for a raise, your heart is pounding, your hands are trembling, and you’re starting to sweat a little.
Asking for a rise from your boss can be nerve-wracking, so much so that some people put off asking for a raise for months or even years.
The truth is that there’s nothing wrong with asking for a raise that represents your hard work, but some tactics and best practises will always produce greater results than others.
Even if your boss has statistics on your hard work, you must give your case for why you deserve a raise and be willing to negotiate.
When to ask for a raise
It’s just as crucial to pick the perfect time to ask for a raise as it is to prepare for this conversation.
Find out when your company’s fiscal budget planning takes place to ensure you aren’t asking for the impossible when it comes to asking for a raise.
There are a few good moments to ask for a raise:
- Annual performance reviews: An ideal moment for this discussion is at your annual performance review when the subject of salary is not only relevant but also expected.
- After successfully completing an important project: After successfully completing an important project or demonstrating good work, it’s a fantastic moment to ask for a raise.
- When your manager is happy: If you ask for a raise at a difficult or chaotic period, your manager will almost certainly be short on time and patience. Ask for a raise after the dust has settled and you’ve demonstrated your worth once more.
What to say to get a raise
You don’t need to stick to a precise script, but you should be clear and specific in your delivery, and having a few lines under your sleeve to assist direct the conversation is a good idea.
1. Be clear
“As I’m looking forward to working and growing with the organisation, I’d like to discuss my compensation,” is a simple way to start a conversation. “I’d like to talk about my salary, is now a good time?” or “I’d like to talk about my salary, is now a good time?”
2. Be specific
Mention your ideal salary range and explain how you arrived at this decision. Bring a copy of your salary estimate from Know Your Worth. Also, be specific about when you’d like your new desired salary to take effect, as well as any other facts about your desired remuneration.
3. How to act
It’s just as crucial to mix confidence, graciousness, and excitement for the work you do throughout a conversation as it is to employ the right tone of voice.
4. Be confident
How is an employer going to be comfortable giving you a raise if you’re unsure yourself?
5. Express gratitude
A pleasant and professional precursor to a request for extra money is to express gratitude and appreciation for what you currently have at the company.
6. Express enthusiasm
Sharing excitement for your future goals, and for the future goals of the company, is a way to show you’re invested in doing your job well.
What not to say when asking for a raise, according to career experts
1. Acting as though you’re entitled to the raise, based on tenure
It’s understandable that you’d like a raise for a large amount of time, energy, and effort you’ve put into the work, but the decision should be based on the responsibilities you carry and the outcomes you achieve, not merely your length of service with the company.
“The lifespan argument is a weak argument,” Adzuna’s North American head of operations Lily Valentin says. “While employee retention is important, it’s far more useful to inquire as to why you’ve been passed over for raises during your career than pushing for one based only on your duration of service.”
2. Comparing yourself to colleagues
While salary transparency among employees may help you ensure you’re being paid within the industry-standard range for your job (and may reveal unreasonable wage differences), basing your request for a raise only on the salary of a coworker is dangerous terrain. Because you may be lacking certain critical information, the comparison will be useless: “A coworker may be earning more for a similar position than you for a variety of reasons, including their experience, results, education, background, language skills, and more,” Stahl adds.
In fact, avoiding any coworker comparisons is your best bet—and that includes performance comparisons, especially if you’re attempting to show how much better your performance is than others.
3. Getting too personal
While your take-home pay helps you achieve your non-work goals and your supervisor may be concerned about your personal well-being, a raise is still a business transaction, not a personal one.
“The corporation has a need,” Stahl adds, “and a raise is money paid in exchange for results that match that need.” “Your increase in income or obligations has nothing to do with the expense of your rent, the stress of your debt, or anything else connected to your personal needs.” And attempting to cite such issues as justification for a raise just puts your boss in a tough position, torn between their personal concerns for you and their responsibilities to the company.
4. Timing your ask poorly
Simply bringing up the subject at the wrong time will eliminate your chances of receiving a raise entirely. With that in mind, Stahl recommends avoiding asking in the following situations: When your staff is exceptionally busy (including weekends), when your company is experiencing layoffs, or when your company is experiencing layoffs.
“Asking casually or in the middle of a meeting focused on anything else is likewise a bad idea,” she says. “If you dismiss the request, your boss will most likely dismiss it as well.”
5. Offering an ultimatum
According to McCreary, threatening to quit if you don’t get a raise is a risky strategy: “Some organisations may negotiate or offer you something new, but they may not, and they may even ask you to leave sooner.” While it may be difficult for your boss to have to replace you, Stahl points out that keeping someone on board who isn’t happy could be just as inconvenient.
Tips to get started
Keep it in your mind that the worst that can happen is that your boss says no. Either way, you’ll learn to advocate for yourself and understand and appreciate your worth. And there’s not much chance you’ll get more money if you don’t ask!
But there are a few tried-and-true tricks that can help you secure a bigger paycheck. If you want to ask for more, here are three tips to get started.
1. Prepare for your salary discussion
According to Chelsea Jay, a resume writer, and career counselor, the first step is to determine why you want a raise. Have you been overworked or taken on new responsibilities in the recent year? Are you getting paid less than the industry standard for your job?
Understanding your “why” can provide you with the facts you need to make a stronger case for more pay.”
It’s also a good idea to double-check your timing. If your company is struggling — for example, if it just laid off staff or implemented a hiring freeze — it may not be able to meet your request. Furthermore, if you’ve received a terrible performance review, you’re unlikely to be in a good position to ask for a raise.
2. Make your case
Researching the average pay for your position in your area or state might help you make your case, or at the very least give you a ballpark figure to aim for. On LinkedIn and Glassdoor, you can find salary ranges for a variety of jobs, which might help you figure out how much to ask for.
Jay also recommends discussing any new skills or knowledge you’ve acquired or honed since your previous promotion. Joining associations, acquiring certificates, and having your effort recognized, such as through an industry award, are all valuable pursuits that should be rewarded.
Instead of focusing on why you need a raise, consider why you deserve one. Avoid bringing up personal expenses or a coworker, for instance. Instead, give a detailed account of your achievements.
And, according to Joe Mullings, a career specialist, you don’t have to wait until your yearly review to ask for what you want.
3. Have a backup plan
Always have a backup plan in place in case your initial request is turned down. Consider whether there are any other choices you may negotiate, such as your company paying for a new certification or allowing you to work from home. Student loan payback enhanced paid sick and family leave, child- or senior-care benefits, or the flexibility to work from home are all options to explore.
“Know your alternatives,” Jay advises, “understand what inspires you to perform a good job, and ask for it.” “Bosses and companies who care about and cherish their employees will do everything possible to keep them.”
If you don’t get the raise you want, Mullings suggests asking your supervisor what you need to deliver in order to get one. Then, keep a record of what you accomplish each month over the next year and how your supervisor and company benefited from it.
How to ask for a raise if you are a woman
Not everyone finds it simple to ask for a promotion, a raise in pay, or a better starting package when they believe they deserve it. This is especially true for women, who continue to have trouble believing in the value we contribute to a company. As a result, our contribution is continually undervalued.
We all know that women are underpaid compared to men. To be precise, we earn 80.5 cents for every dollar earned by a guy. There are a multitude of elements that contribute to that ludicrous gap, and most of them aren’t fixable with a simple lean-in.
Here’s the tips of the trade.
1. Always have your number ready
Even if you’re just thinking about asking for a raise, make sure to do some research first.
Look into how many people not just at your company but also across your industry and in similar fields are making. The more information, the better.
2. Consult a whisper network
While the importance of a whisper network in assisting women in receiving equitable pay cannot be overstated. When it comes to asking for a raise, though, having a support group of women at your side might make all the difference. Marie, a graphic artist in New York City, says, “I interacted in a lot of venues where women were debating their pay, with the group Ladies Get Paid being one of them.” “I had expected my function to be a more junior-level position as I approached a year of employment, but I ended up having a lot of duties that were more mid- or senior [level].” I realized it was time to ask for more pay after speaking with women in my network who were in similar positions or stages of their careers.
“When I eventually asked for the raise, my manager replied 10 seconds into the talk that I already made enough,” Marie continues. She looked to be attempting to put me back in my place, and she seemed upset that I even inquired. But I held firm, and a few weeks later, I received an email informing me that I had received a 10% rise.” Her success was aided by the fact that she was part of a group of like-minded women who provided her with the knowledge she needed to ask for more and encouraged her along the process.
3. Get another offer
Joni Mitchell and generations of rom-coms have taught us that sometimes you don’t realize what you have until it’s gone. When Arielle, a product marketer, informed her team that a competitor had expressed interest in employing her, they realized how much they stood to lose if she left.
“I started shopping around at other start-ups after a year at an early-stage start-up making $63,000,” Arielle explains. “I eventually received a $80,000 offer from another well-known firm. I wanted to stay in my current position, but I needed proof that I was worth more. When I told my supervisors about it, they decided to give me a raise to $76,000, which I gladly accepted.” If you’ve proven to be beneficial to your current employer, odds are you’ll be promoted.
“Always see who else is buying!” Arielle says. “Sometimes it takes a cold, hard offer from another business to make your current company realize what they ought to be paying you.”
It’s like coming into a conversation with the receipts—you have the backup to prove how valuable you are in the market.
4. Consider alternative benefits
When it comes to a raise, you won’t always get exactly what you desire. So it’s occasionally a good idea to consider compensation options other than cash. That worked for Marissa, who had worked for a Fortune 500 company for four and a half years and had only received a 1% merit raise. Marissa asked her manager whether the company would cover her project management certification when it became evident that extra money was out of the question. “I put out a plan for her describing what was involved, how much it would cost, and how it would benefit my career and the organization—and it worked,” she adds. The knowledge she gained from the certificate program was priceless, and it aided her in her career.
Make sure you’re prepared for all possible outcomes, regardless of which of these tactics you use during your next negotiation. Ashley Paré, CEO and founder of Own Your Worth, warns, “You must be willing to walk away when you make your request. Prepare your bottom line for the meeting and tell your boss that you genuinely want to continue with them, but it’s crucial to you that you’re paid fairly and competitively.”
How to ask for a raise via email
Make sure you’re prepared for all possible outcomes, regardless of which of these tactics you use during your next negotiation. Ashley Paré, CEO and founder of Own Your Worth, warns, “You must be willing to walk away when you make your request. Prepare your bottom line for the meeting and tell your boss that you genuinely want to continue with them, but it’s crucial to you that you’re paid fairly and competitively.”
What should I include in a salary increase email?
Before you begin composing your salary increase request, take some time to gather a few key pieces of information. Having these three details may increase your likelihood of getting a raise:
1. Specific achievements and accomplishments
What have you accomplished throughout your time with the organization? Make sure your accomplishments are detailed and show how you’ve contributed to the company’s success. Include accurate measurements if possible.
Instead of saying, “I increased my number of sales in 2018,” say, “I increased sales by 25% year over year, resulting in an extra $40,000 in revenue in 2018.” You should also include any new abilities you’ve acquired and any new or additional tasks you’ve taken on throughout your stay with the company.
2. The exact raise (dollar amount or percentage) you want to receive
It is critical to arriving prepared with the wage rise you desire in order to appear prepared, reduce confusion, and expedite the process.
To determine a reasonable asking price, use Indeed Salaries to research the typical wage for your position, experience level, and city. If you’re still in the early years of your work, you might not be qualified for a senior-level wage.
3. Gratitude to the company for acknowledging your request
Always take a moment to thank your boss and the organization for the opportunities they’ve provided and for taking the time to consider your request.
How to ask for a raise based on increased workload
Are you considering a job change? If that’s the case, it’s a good idea to take on more tasks at work. Increased work, on the other hand, necessitates increased income. But how can you ask for a raise when your workload has increased?
How can you ask for a pay raise and get it? No supervisor in their right mind would refuse you if you follow the instructions below.
How much of a raised percentage should you ask for?
While on average, your pay should increase by 3%. However, your responsibilities might mean you deserve more than the average percentage. How best can you determine the pay increase you deserve?
- First, relate what you currently earn to your city’s salary trends. The scale where you are ranked could be the perfect place to start.
- Second, consider your level of education, your work experience, and how long you have served at your current company. Your boss will likely consider all these when discussing your raise.
- Record all your successes and how they have benefited the company. Utilize numbers when quantifying your achievements. This way, you will easily convince your boss.
- Finally, pinpoint what increment you deserve for your increased workload. Do not be afraid to ask for more.
Now that you have made your mind regarding the pay you want, follow the following steps,
1. Set an appointment
Choose a time when you and your manager can discuss your salary boost due to increased workload. Do not approach him on the sidewalk or in the parking lot in an attempt to easily influence him. Schedule a meeting and make a personal request.
Make sure he understands you want to talk about how you can be best compensated for your additional tasks before the meeting. Also, give him the necessary paperwork to back up your request for a raise.
If your performance review is approaching, now might be a good time to discuss a raise. Before the evaluation, make sure your manager is aware of your plans.
2. Perfect your pitch
Prepare what you’ll say to persuade your management before the meeting. Recognize that feeling unpleasant or anxious before a meeting is normal. As a result, there is a need to practice.
Practice how you’ll present your concept to your manager. Allow a friend to listen to your speech and provide feedback. This way, you’ll get used to keeping on script even when you’re nervous.
Also, make sure to concentrate solely on professional motives, such as a promotion. Make it a business transaction, not a personal one.
3. Prepare in case of questions
Expect your supervisor to have questions about your proposal once you’ve explained why you deserve a raise. He’ll probably need more information to make a conclusion, which is why he’s asking questions.
Prepare ahead of time for any inquiries your supervisor may ask. Accurate responses may boost your chances of receiving a raise.
4. End on a positive note
Make sure to leave the meeting in a pleasant tone, regardless of how it went. Thank your supervisor for giving you the opportunity to express yourself. Maintain a professional demeanor throughout the entire procedure.
If you succeed, express your gratitude calmly. If not, don’t feel compelled to vent your annoyances. Maintain your composure to the very finish.
What to do after a raise conversation
It’s critical that you maintain or even exceed the performance levels that you’re using to support your desired compensation after you’ve had a pay raise talk.
It’s also critical that you and your boss are on the same page when it comes to any new responsibilities that come with your promotion, such as:
- New deliverables
- New colleagues to manage
- New superiors to report to
- New performance standards