
How Marcos Razzetti Transitioned from Being Bankrupt to Making Seven Figures in a Year

Millions of entrepreneurs have been affected by bankruptcy. This situation can be a cause of depression and stress. The issue can get worse if the person attempts to pursue entrepreneurship and fails. Yet this was the situation for Marcos Razzetti

Marcos Razzetti is the founder of Blue Hack Media Group LLC. This company is a consulting and coaching company that helps enterprises increase their scale in the market. The agency helps business owners get more clients on autopilot without big budgets through marketing funnels. So far, Blue Hack Media Group has helped clients scale their businesses through digital marketing. The agency achieves its success by dividing parts of their business into its most basic elements (similar to alchemy). They teach the business how to combine those elements to achieve a successful evolution in their company after the dissecting. 

Marcos was not born into riches. Like most entrepreneurs, he had to scale up the corporate ladder without any financial support. The 22-year-old entrepreneur started out bankrupt. He had put all his money into selling care products. This idea was his second business venture, and just like the first one, Marcos failed miserably. He recalls how, at one time, he cried with his ex-girlfriend because he could not afford a Burger King burger.  

A Change in Strategy 

Marcos managed to transition from bankruptcy to a serial entrepreneur by limiting his beliefs. One of his beliefs was that “To be rich, you must do bad things or come from a rich family.” Marcos got debts into his father’s credit card. He also worked all the hours of the day that he was in college. Unfortunately, the limiting mindset got him nowhere. The young entrepreneur had to change his mindset by viewing failures as lessons. Marcos notes that his most significant discovery was the realization that he was failing because of a lack of knowledge. 

Why Start-ups Fail 

The number one reason why start-ups fail is that there is no market need. An entrepreneur sets up a company with the blind faith that the product will do well. However, once the product enters the market, he/she discovers that people are hesitant to make a purchase. Marcos recalls that when he tried to sell his products, most of his customers would say, “Hey, this is great, but I don’t need this.” This experience taught him that if he wanted to succeed, then he had to interject three things: 

a). A significant need

b). A market niche

c). Ability to solve it 

Marcos also realized that most businesses in a variety of niches struggled with the same issue. Most businesses do not know how to establish a connection with their target audience. Most companies are quick to go for the sale without realizing that each client’s sales journey goes through. 

Cold-Pitching: Marcos got his first high-paying client through cold pitching. He would reach out to clients and make the offer to help them with digital marketing. After trial and error, Marcos managed to make $108K in a year. After that, he went ahead and expanded his income to pass the million-dollar mark. 

Ability to Take Risk: Marcos began taking risks the minute he decided to drop out of college. He was at Purdue University, where he was pursuing a medical degree. Yet the young entrepreneur desired to gain the financial and time freedom that came with entrepreneurship. Like most entrepreneurs, he faced many challenges. When two of his companies failed, he was broke and depressed. However, today he enjoys the benefits of his resilience, dedication, and hard work. At only 22 years old, Marcos gets to work from anywhere around the world. 

Goal-Oriented: Goal-setting is the best practice for entrepreneurs. Business goals, however, require you to have relevant data. This entails data about your competitors and your customers. With the right data, you can set goals that are attainable and relevant. 

Blue Hack Media Group helps companies avoid common pitfalls in the market. Using this agency, Marcos coaches business owners on how to approach their marketing funnel. Marcos transitioned from selling door-to-door t-shirts to earning generating millions in a year. His agency has managed to help hundreds of customers achieve a high ROI in their business.

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