
How Ahmed Muhktar Managed To Get to 21,000 Distributors in 3 Years In His Network Marketing Business

Ahmed Mukhtar can only be described well if you call him a league leader in the network marketing space. Starting his marketing business at a young age of 24, three years later, he has managed to build a massive distribution of over 21000 distributors. A number that most of the marketers hardly gets to throughout their entire career as marketers. Today, he is running his business across 20 countries. This makes him not only among the marketer with the most diverse clientele but also highest-earning millennials in the industry.

The Source of Your Inspiration

In a recent interview, Ahmed mentions that the environment in which he was brought up was the most significant source of inspiration. ‘It was a place where being mediocre was normal.’ He says. He adds that his parents were struggling to raise him, so he had no choice apart from being successful. For him, he always knew that he would be the breaker of that notion of mediocrity.

Greatest Drawbacks

He admits that being a young entrepreneur may seem a cool thing, but it comes with several challenges. When he was 24, after starting his entrepreneurial journey, no one was up to believe in him. Family and friends led in the list of believing that it was just another wave of failure.

Therefore, Ahmed knew that he only had his determination and hard-work to anchor on. He, therefore, did not gamble on anything. He instead put the greatest efforts possible on everything he did to prove everyone, including the society wrong.

Triumphant Situations During Your Entrepreneurship

‘My best day arrived when I knew I had achieved complete financial freedom.’ He says. He adds that by that time, he could now live the life that he was aspiring and a life on his terms. He had time to spend with family, travel around the world, and most importantly, help other people to achieve their goals and dreams.

Achieving this financial freedom, where he could no longer be confined to do some things to a certain extent because of the financial status motivated him to work even more that he may help most people get to a similar position.

Disrupting the Networking Space

Ahmed has already created a notable difference in the networking space. He is, however, not relenting. Instead, he is belting up to fly higher, where only a few reach. Being under 30 years, Ahmed got a lot of time to test waters and to add his scope. He is aiming to grow his already big clientele to new countries. He has become a real definition of success.

Wrap Up

During his childhood, Ahmed always yearned to break the notion of mediocrity. Verily, he has done it. He can now enjoy his free time with his family or go to the gym. He also loves learning new languages, reading books concerning personal growth.